Hippodrome Square
Those who look at its simple appearance now can not guess that this area was once decorated with priceless sculptures and various monuments of the most spectacular silver, gold and marble in the world. Since Septimus Severus, all the Roman and Byzantine Emperors have competed to decorate this place. The Crusaders (4th Crusade) when they encountered these richness that they had not seen in their lives, they stopped going to Jerusalem and settled here and plundered everything they could take (Latin invasion of 1204).

Topkapi Place
The Ottoman Empire reigned on three continents, they were one of the largest empires the world has ever seen. Topkapi Palace has been their administrative center for four centuries and its a unique place where sultans reign together with their Harems. It smells history from top to bottom. It is one of the leading museums in Europe with two million visitors annually. (Harem is not included in the program.)

Sultan Ahmet Mosque (The Blue Mosque)
The famous six-minaret mosque, which westerners called the Blue Mosque because of the dominant color in it’s tiles, is one of the most beautiful examples of 17th Century Ottoman mosque architecture. As Hagia Sophia is the product of the desire to challenge the world, the Blue Mosque rises in all its glory right in front of it, almost as if it were challenging it, declaring to the world the point reached by Ottoman Civilization.

Hagia Sophia
The basilica, one of the few major works of world cultural heritage, takes it’s period from it’s history up to 1470 years. At the time when it was made, no other work as magnificent as itself in the world had ever come out of the hands of humankind. That’s why Byzantine Emperor Justinianus the 1th (Justinyen), said ‘’I have defeated you Süleyman’’ by referring to the famous Süleyman Temple at the opening ceremony of Hagia Sophia.

Grand Baazar
With the conquest of Istanbul by the Sultan Fatih, the Empire is redefined and had to bring out many new institutions. Because now one of the most important cities of the era would play the role of a source in the creation of a new identity. Especially at the beginning, the concept of “product” needs to defined in the broadest sense. On the other hand, in order to “protect” and improve, it was necessary to “cover and protect” it’s top. Here is the “covering up” of the Grand Bazaar, which was undoubtedly done in order to implement and protect such a large project. If there is nothing that should really be protected in it, why would an organization and investment of this size been made? From this point of view, the Grand Bazaar is perhaps one of the most important and complex projects developed by the Ottoman Empire. Because in it’s 500-year life, the Empire has experienced incredible changes, faced successes and failures, and very large projects have been implemented. But none of them are alive today. On the other hand, giant-sized industries were established, Shipyards, Mints were established, schools and palaces were built. But today few of them are able to maintain their true function.

Serefiye Cistern (Theodosius Cistern)
It is one of the oldest water structure located in the Historical Peninsula of Istanbul with a history of about 1,600 years. Based on the architectural features of the Serefiye Cistern, It is assumed that it was built during the reign of Theodosius the 2th (408 – 450).